100 Short Quotes
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Celebrate Love with Family Quotes
Find 100 short quotes about family. These quotes highlight the importance of love, connection, and the unbreakable bonds that create a strong family.
Eva Burrows
#Family #Love #Life #Blessing
Michael J. Fox
#Family #Importance #Life #Connection
Alex Haley
#Family #Connection #Past #Future
Princess Diana
#Family #Love #Importance #Life
George Santayana
#Family #Nature #Life #Beauty
Richard Bach
#Family #Bond #Love #Connection
George Burns
#Family #Humor #Happiness #Connection
Jane Howard
#Family #Connection #Tribe #Support
#Family #Nation #Strength #Integrity
Desmond Tutu
#Family #Gift #Love #Connection
Barbara Bush
#Family #Love #Support #Connection
George Bernard Shaw
#Family #Happiness #Heaven #Connection
Pope John XXIII
#Family #Society #Foundation #Connection
Donna Hedges
#Family #Home #Love #Life
Lee Iacocca
#Family #Stability #Foundation #Love
Albert Einstein
#Family #Joy #Life #Connection
Burmese Proverb
#Family #Strength #Support #Life
George Moore
#Family #Home #Life #Connection
Anthony Brandt
#Family #Change #Life #Love
Will Durant
#Family #Civilization #Foundation #Strength
Robert Frost
#Family #Humor #Connection #Wisdom
David Ogden Stiers
#Family #Love #Connection #Support
Gilbert K. Chesterton
#Family #Freedom #Connection #Creation
Og Mandino
#Family #Unity #Connection #Love
Marge Kennedy
#Family #Love #Humor #Support
Friedrich Nietzsche
#Family #Life #Love #Connection
Christopher Lasch
#Family #Haven #Love #Connection
#Family #Past #Future #Connection
#Family #Love #Blessing #Connection
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
#Family #Love #Connection #Strength