100 Short Quotes
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Cherish Every Moment with Time Quotes
Explore 100 short quotes about time. These quotes inspire you to value every moment, live mindfully, and make the most of the time you have.
Benjamin Franklin
#time #wisdom #life #priorities
Leo Tolstoy
#time #patience #wisdom #strength
William Penn
#time #priorities #wisdom #productivity
Carl Sandburg
#time #life #priorities #wisdom
William Shakespeare
#time #punctuality #wisdom #life
Stephen Covey
#time #investment #wisdom #priorities
Nathaniel Hawthorne
#time #life #wisdom #memory
#time #value #wisdom #priorities
Michael Altshuler
#time #control #wisdom #productivity
Lao Tzu
#time #priorities #wisdom #life
Delmore Schwartz
#time #learning #wisdom #growth
Stephen King
#time #inevitability #wisdom #life
Chinese Proverb
Oscar Wilde
Bertrand Russell
#time #joy #wisdom #priorities
Jack Kornfield
#time #impermanence #wisdom #life
Lord Chesterfield
#time #priorities #wisdom #discipline
Geoffrey Chaucer
#time #inevitability #wisdom #priorities
#time #wisdom #life #reflection
Coco Chanel
#time #action #wisdom #priorities
Warren Buffett
#time #value #investment #success
Marcel Proust
#time #change #memory #wisdom
J.R.R. Tolkien
#time #decisions #wisdom #priorities
Oprah Winfrey
#time #gift #relationships #wisdom
Leonardo da Vinci
#time #use #wisdom #productivity
#time #life #wisdom #priorities
Mahatma Gandhi
#time #future #action #wisdom
Mother Teresa
#time #present #wisdom #priorities
Lucille S. Harper
#time #healing #wisdom #growth
Miguel de Cervantes
#time #wisdom #growth #learning
Jim Rohn